University preparatory courses in political science and civics focus on the study of political systems, governance, civic responsibilities, and the functioning of political institutions.
Political Theories: Examination of political ideologies, theories of democracy, liberalism, conservatism, and socialism. Government and Institutions: Study of governmental structures, branches of government, elections, and policymaking processes. International Relations: Analysis of global politics, diplomacy, international organizations, and foreign policies. Citizenship and Rights: Understanding civic duties, rights, citizenship, and participation in a democratic society.
Case Studies and Analysis: Analyzing historical and contemporary political events and their implications. Essay Writing and Debates: Structuring and presenting arguments effectively in political discussions. Current Affairs: Staying updated on political developments and global events.
Democratic Values: Political science and civics foster an understanding of democratic principles and the importance of citizen participation. Global Perspectives: Understanding international relations aids in comprehending global dynamics and geopolitical issues. Advocacy and Governance: Studies in political science contribute to informed citizenship and participation in governance.
The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) is one of the leading European institutions in the field of life sciences. CZU is not just a life sciences university, but a place of innovative scientific research and discovery. The university is situated on a beautifully landscaped campus, with modern and spacious dormitories, canteen, several student clubs, central library, cutting edge IT technology and state of the art laboratories. CZU is also a member of the Euroleague for Life Sciences ( CZU Prague is one of the top ten public universities in the Czech Republic and was awarded the Diploma Supplement Label in 2012, and the ECTS Label in 2013 by the EC.
Kamycka 129, 165 00 Praha
University LinkEmily Miller
Phone: +4366412345681
Info: Legal professional specializing in law and political sciences. Practiced corporate law for 12 years in Law Office Dr. Simon Harald Baier, specializing in international business law. Advocates for human rights causes. Enjoy playing tennis and volunteering.