Course Details

Course Details

Religion and teology

University preparatory courses in religion and theology aim to explore the diverse facets of religious beliefs, practices, and their impact on societies, as well as the study of theological principles and doctrines.

Study of World Religions: Exploring major world religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and their beliefs, rituals, and historical development. Theology and Doctrine: Investigating theological concepts, scriptures, dogmas, and philosophical underpinnings of religious beliefs. Comparative Religion: Analyzing similarities, differences, and interactions among various religious traditions. Ethics and Morality in Religion: Examining ethical frameworks, moral teachings, and ethical dilemmas within religious contexts.

Research and Analysis: Conducting research on religious texts, doctrines, and historical contexts. Interfaith Dialogues: Engaging in discussions and dialogues to understand different religious perspectives and practices. Writing and Presentation: Communicating effectively through essays, presentations, and debates on religious and theological topics.

Cultural Understanding: Enhancing cultural literacy by studying diverse religious beliefs and practices. Ethical Perspectives: Understanding moral and ethical values propagated by religions, contributing to ethical decision-making. Interdisciplinary Relevance: The study of religion intersects with various disciplines, enriching perspectives in history, sociology, anthropology, and politics.

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) is one of the leading European institutions in the field of life sciences. CZU is not just a life sciences university, but a place of innovative scientific research and discovery. The university is situated on a beautifully landscaped campus, with modern and spacious dormitories, canteen, several student clubs, central library, cutting edge IT technology and state of the art laboratories. CZU is also a member of the Euroleague for Life Sciences ( CZU Prague is one of the top ten public universities in the Czech Republic and was awarded the Diploma Supplement Label in 2012, and the ECTS Label in 2013 by the EC.

Kamycka 129, 165 00 Praha

University Link


Michael Smith


Phone: +4366412345680

Info: Expertise in philosophy and religion. Taught philosophy courses at Modul University for 7 years, focusing on ethics and existentialism. Passionate about meditation and Eastern philosophies. Enjoys hiking and poetry.

Course Details:

Price: 2400$
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